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Interested to hear more about the recent progress in sustainable biofuel technology for green vehicles?
In this webinar, recent advances and progress in sustainable biofuel technologies, focusing on internal combustion engine (ICE) will be presented. Among the topics covered will be on sustainable biofuel types and the biofuel effect on internal combustion engine performances.

The webinar is FREE for all SAIG members. If you have not yet registered a SAIG member, simply register for FREE membership at https://www.saig-united.com/registration/. The MS TEams Meeting information will be posted on the SAIG official website before the webinar. The SAIG member can access the webinar link under the Multimedia section on the SAIG official website. You are required to login before access this section: https://www.saig-united.com/webinar-link/


Prof. Ts. Dr. Noreffendy Tamaldin currently works as the lecturer of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Malaysia. He now hold the position of the Director of Advanced Manufacturing Centre (AMC), UTeM. His research interest includes engine performance, emission, engine tribology, engine instrumentation and monitoring, alternative fuel, POME biodiesel and HHO technologies.