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"Green and Future Mobility Concepts"
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
From May 23-24 2022, the 2nd UNITED-SAIG International Conference took place in the Everly Hotel, Putrajaya and was hosted by the project team from Universiti Putra Malaysia as a hybrid event. The very successful conference counted around 200 participants during the 2 days, who enjoyd the 4 keynote sessions
  • Session-1
    Future of Internal Combustion Engines Beyond the Year 2030
    Ir. Azmi Osman (PROTON, Malaysia)
  • Session-2 (Online)
    System Level Optimization of Hybrid Vehicle Components
    Mr. Gianluca Cariccia (Dayco, Italy)
  • Session-3
    Impact of Green Mobility Solutions as Part of the Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Agenda in Malaysia
    Mr. Hisham Razuli Halim (DreamEDGE, Malaysia)
  • Session-4 (Online)
    Towards Climate Neutral Mobility – Case of Austria 2040
    Dr. Gerfried Jungmeier (Joanneum Research, Austria)
as well as further 8 invited speakers and 24 scientic presentations.
The conference proceedings can be downloaded from the SAIG network website
We would like to thank the local community for the amazing organization and all participants for their contribution. It is our pleasure to announce that the conference fulfilled our expectations.